25 Haziran 2020 Perşembe

How to Roast Shelled Pumpkin Seeds

How to Roast Shelled Pumpkin Seeds

Nothing heralds the arrival fall like its signature flavor—pumpkin. Once the jack-o'-lantern carving over, don't let the insides go to waste. Save the seeds for fall baking and entertaining. Roasted pumpkin seeds bring a great addition of autumn flavor to recipes that call for nuts like salads, breads, and desserts. Or, pop a handful of seasoned seeds in your mouth for a nutritious snack. 


While most pumpkin seeds are roasted with the shell, it's the tender, meatier insides that you really want. Also called pepitas, pumpkin seeds are a rich source of heart-healthy, plant-based protein. You can shell the seeds yourself, or you can find raw, already hulled seeds at the grocery store. Beside that, Öz Star Machinery company provides many other machines such as coffee Roaster, fryer, coating pans.


OZ STAR MACHINERY http://nutsroasters.com/

To roast the pepitas, first rinse them in water and pat completely dry. Toss them in olive oil, salt, and pepper. You can also kick the flavor up a notch with the addition of your favorite spices—rosemary, thyme, chili powder, cumin, garlic powder, etc. Next, spread the seeds out on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. If you can't have parchment paper or aluminum foil on hand, coat the baking sheet with cook spray to ensure the seeds won't stick. Bake at 325° for 10-15 minutes, or until crisp. Let them cool completely on the pan, and then enjoy. Beside that, Öz Star Machinery company provides many other machines such as coffee Roaster, fryer, coating pans. Versatile pepitas will be your go-to ingredient for fall cooking occasions.


Swap the mixed nuts for a bowl of Spicy Roasted Chile Peanuts and Pepitas at your next party. Top creamy butternut squash soup with toasted pumpkin seeds for a simple weeknight supper. For the Thanksgiving dessert spread, bake a standout Bundt cake that's topped with sugared pecans and pepitas. In the mood for a lighter dish? Try a harvest salad with grilled sweet potatoes, poblano peppers, and—yes—roasted pumpkin seeds.



Pumpkin seeds are one of the easiest and most nutritious snacks to prepare at home. Bursting with micronutrients like magnesium, zinc, and vitamin E that help us fend off infection and keep our body resilient through the chilling autumn and winter months, pumpkin seeds are a smart addition to any meal or snack this time of year. 

Tossed with antioxidant rich spices and herbs, pumpkin seeds pack a whole-food punch, keeping us both healthy and satisfied. Beside that, Öz Star Machinery company provides many other machines such as coffee Roaster, fryer, coating pans.


OZ STAR MACHINERY http://nutsroasters.com/

As fall leaves reach peak foliage, their squash cousins arrive in a variety of colors: orange pumpkins, yellow gourds and brown butternut squash. As you rotate these into your cooking, don’t forget to scoop out those seeds and get roasting. Raid the spice cabinet to experiment with exciting flavor combinations, toss in a touch of oil, and toast for 10-15 minutes at 350 degrees. We used olive oil to roast our seeds, but recommend using any neutral-tasting, heat stable oil like avocado, canola, sunflower, or coconut. Beside that, Öz Star Machinery [HD1] company provides many other machines such as coffee Roaster, fryer, coating pans.

1.       Sea Salt and Pepper Pumpkin Seeds

The classic combination that never gets old. For each 1/2 cup of pumpkin seeds, add 1/2 teaspoon flaked sea salt and 1/4 teaspoon cracked black pepper (or to taste).

OZ STAR MACHINERY http://nutsroasters.com/

2.       Ginger and Lime Pumpkin Seeds

Inspired by the refreshing Moscow Mule, ginger and lime play together for a flavor that is both bright and warming. Add 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger and 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice to raw pepitas before roasting. For extra lime flavor, squeeze half a lime over the roasted seeds, add the zest of one lime and a dash of sea salt.

How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds

How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds

When carving a pumpkin, it’s easy to overlook all the amazing stuff that you scoop out en route to jack-o-lantern status. The goopy pulp and seeds just seem like they belong in the garbage can. But trust us—you’ll never toss out those seeds again once you roast them up into a tasty seasonal snack. 

Roasted pumpkin seeds are a great source of potassium and high in protein—in addition to being super delicious. Let us show you how we transform them from “weird seeds inside a pumpkin” to “crunchy, salty, totally irresistible super-snack” status. Beside that, Öz Star Machinery company provides many other machines such as coffee Roaster, fryer, coating pans.

Start with the pumpkin! Any pumpkin you can get your hands on will do the trick. Pie Pumpkins, also called Sugar Pumpkins, will have more flesh if you’re planning to eat the pumpkin too. (Of course you are.) Some say they have crisper seeds than carving pumpkins, but we enjoy both equally.

OZ STAR MACHINERY http://nutsroasters.com/

Step 1:

Heat oven to 350°F. Clean and prepare seeds (as instructed above), then spread seeds in an ungreased 15x10x1-inch baking pan. Toss with melted butter until coated. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.

Step 2:

Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until light golden brown and crisp, stirring once during baking. If you’re really in a rush, you can “roast” your pumpkin seeds in the microwave. Place them in a single layer in a glass pie plate. Microwave them for about 2 minutes and then stir. Microwave again for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring after each minute, until the seeds are dry and crunchy. Beside that, Öz Star Machinery company provides many other machines such as coffee Roaster, fryer, coating pans.

OZ STAR MACHINERY http://nutsroasters.com/


Nuts Roasting Machine | Ozstar Nut Roasting Machine-Peanut-Almond-Cashew Roasting Machine

This fact reveals the potential for developing the local processing industry to meet the internal demand for cashew derived products and for diversifying exports from this region. The current underdevelopment of cashew processing sector is partially attributable to the limited domestic consumption as, contrary to India and Vietnam, cashew is not a regular part of the diet in any country in Africa. Furthermore, the market for valuable cashew by-products such as cashew shell liquid is non-existent in Africa (Boillereau and Adam 2007). In addition, apart from few countries such as Nigeria, Benin, and Ivory Coast, in which production is mainly export-oriented and based on mechanized processing plants, the majority of firms in African countries are small to medium scale.

Their limited production capacities, which can be largely attributed to the low level of technology in use, prevent such countries from producing enough to meet both qualitative and quantitative standards for international trade (Boillereau and Adam 2007).  OZSTAR (www.ozstarmachinery.com) has the best nuts processing systems including roasters, fryers of different kinds and of various capacities to give you the perfectly roasted nuts! OZSTAR also provides additional equipment for flavouring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR (www.ozstarmachinery.com) has already various kinds of industrial fryers along flavouring and seasoning equipment for nuts controlled by touch screen.


Concerning cashew kernel prices on the international markets, the sector has shown a strong volatility over the last decade. This is due to the fact that market for cashew is not organized, meaning that there is no quotation for this product. Hence, available data correspond to real transactions whose significance, given the high rate of uncertainty, mainly lies in their trend more than in the data itself. Overall, the price of Fig. 5 a Cashew nut (with shell) world production over the time period 1992–2011 reporting the 2011 top five producers, namely, Vietnam, Nigeria, India, Ivory Coast, and Brazil, and the total world production. b Geographic distribution of cashew nut world production in 2011 (FAO 2013a) 766 B. Dendena, S. Corsi cashew kernels depends on several factors, among which the supply of raw nuts plays a major role, which has considerably fluctuated since 1999 (Horus Enterprises 2005). 

Focusing on recent years, the increase of cashew kernel price in 2007 and 2008 was due to poor crops both in Brazil and Vietnam, worsened by defaults of contracts and delays in shipment. Such an increase was then followed by a fall due to the reduced number of orders placed by importers, as influenced by the global economic crisis. However, since the second half of 2009, prices have been dramatically pushed up by an increase of labor cost in India, as well as by the strong competition between India and Vietnam to obtain raw nuts from Africa.

Nuts Roasting Machine | Ozstar Nut Roasting Machine-Peanut-Almond-Cashew Roasting Machine

Of production volumes over the last 5 years (+27 and +40 %, respectively; FAO 2013a). Historically, the cashew international market has been dominated by Eastern Africa and India. India, in particular, was the first country to set up a processing industry, mainly based on several small-scale firms relying on skilled labor. Indian domestic production has long been unable to meet the requirements of internal processing capacity, which consolidated the liaison with Eastern African countries as Mozambique, Kenya, and Tanzania as cashew suppliers (Azam-Ali and Judge 2001; Harilal et al. 2006).

OZSTAR (http://www.ozstarmachinery.com) has the best nuts processing systems including roasters, fryers of different kinds and of various capacities to give you the perfectly roasted nuts! OZSTAR also provides additional equipment for flavouring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR (http://www.ozstarmachinery.com) has already various kinds of industrial fryers along flavouring and seasoning equipment for nuts controlled by touch screen.

This trade declined in the early 1980s when East African production reached low levels. Exemplary is the case of Mozambique, once the leading world producer, then facing the civil war and the progressive decline of the sector, later only partially rejuvenated (Cramer 1999; Hanlon 2000). As a consequence, Indian markets opened to Southeast Asia, particularly Vietnam and Indonesia. With regard to this, it is important to note that in 2011, India was the world’s primary importer of raw nuts, as well as the primary exporter of processed nuts, mainly to the USA and the European Union (Cashew Export Promotion Council of India 2013). 

Other markets—like Japan and Russia—have only opened up more recently (Harilal et al. 2006). While the relevance of Eastern Africa was declining, Brazil emerged as an important producer, encouraged by initial government incentives mainly aimed at boosting cashew production for both kernel and cashew nut shell liquid export to the USA (Azam-Ali and Judge 2001). Similarly to Brazil, West Africa has recently emerged on the international cashew market and is expected to further develop and consolidate its role in the global context, both in terms of production and export volumes. A report published by USAID (Boillereau and Adam 2007) highlighted that less than 10 % of the raw nuts produced in West Africa in 2006 were processed locally. 

OZSTAR (www.ozstarmachinery.com) has the best nuts processing systems including roasters, fryers of different kinds and of various capacities to give you the perfectly roasted nuts! OZSTAR also provides additional equipment for flavouring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR (www.ozstarmachinery.com) has already various kinds of industrial fryers along flavouring and seasoning equipment for nuts controlled by touch screen.

Nuts Roasting Machine | Ozstar Nut Roasting Machine-Peanut-Almond-Cashew Roasting Machine

The bark of cashew trees has been traditionally used for its medical properties, which have been extensively reported in the literature. It is astringent and rich in tannins, which makes it widely applicable for healing hypertension, gastric disturbances, and inflammations (Mota et al. 1985). 

It was also proven to have bactericidal properties (Akinpelu 2001) and hypoglycemic activity that gives the possibility of using bark extract to treat diabetes mellitus (Alexander-Lindo et al. 2004). More recently, the cashew stem bark methanolic extract was proven to have anti-mutagenic effects, thus preventing DNA damage against potentially mutagenic compounds. 

However, such findings need to be investigated further to clarify the potential use o of cashew bark extract in medicine (Barcelos et al. 2007). Apart from cashew kernel and the other major products and by-products above-listed, there are some minor products that constitute an added value for cashew production, often obtained from low-grade cashew kernels and fruits: (i) cashew kernel flour that is highly proteinaceous, often used as complement of wheat flour; (ii) cashew kernel oil that is edible and comparable to olive oil in terms of nutritional values; (iii) cashew kernel butter that is derived from the residual of the extraction of oil from the kernel, used as substitute of peanut butter; and (iv) cashew kernel milk, obtained from cashew broken kernels, also known as “baby bits” (Nair 2010). The world market for cashew is relatively new.

Cashew, even though traditionally produced and consumed for centuries, started appearing on global markets toward the middle of the 1920s, with two major actors dominating the trade at that time: India, which was the sole exporter of cashew kernels, and the USA, being the only buyer (Harilal et al. 2006). The market has since considerably changed, including the appearance of other actors that created new poles on the cashew production and trade scenario. In 2011, world production of cashew raw nuts reached 4.27 million tons (Fig. 5a), almost equally distributed between Asia and Africa (Fig. 5b), with Vietnam being the first producer accounting for about 30 % of the total production (Fig. 5a; FAO 2013a). 

The major role played by Asia is also confirmed by the presence of India, ranked third among the top five world producers. Vietnam and India, even though characterized by different trends, with the former experiencing a sharp rise in cashew production in the early 2000s and the second showing a more regular growing pattern, have recently shown similar trends due to their almost steady production volumes over the last 5 years (−1 and 9 %, respectively; FAO 2013a). 

This is different from the case of Brazil that, apart from accounting for the 99 % of cashew production of South America in 2011, has had an irregular trend over recent years due to cashew crop failures caused by periods of drought. The same data also show the importance of West Africa in the global scenario, with Nigeria and Ivory Coast accounting together for the 79 % of the production of this area in 2011, and display high growth rate 

Nuts Roasting Machine | Ozstar Nut Roasting Machine-Peanut-Almond-Cashew Roasting Machine

Cashew kernel is covered with a reddish-brown skin, or testa, that was reported to be rich in hydrolysable tannins, as well as in polyphenols, for which the content can be as high as 243 mg/g of cashew skin extract. Such compounds, particularly epicatechin, were found to possess significant antioxidant properties, as proved by the scavenging activity of the cashew skin extract when tested in antioxidant assays (Kamath and Rajini 2007). 

The same findings emerged from studies that aimed to test cashew skin extract treatment against dimethoate exposure. This widespread organophosphorous pesticide was reported to cause hyperglycemia and pancreatitis, the latter likely due to oxidative stress (Banerjee et al. 2001). OZSTAR (www.ozstarmachinery.com) has the best nuts processing systems including roasters, fryers of different kinds and of various capacities to give you the perfectly roasted nuts! OZSTAR also provides additional equipment for flavouring and seasoning the nuts

OZSTAR (www.ozstarmachinery.com) has already various kinds of industrial fryers along flavouring and seasoning equipment for nuts controlled by touch screen. Treatment with cashew skin extract proved to ameliorate and restore tissue antioxidant status in rat pancreases, as well as to confer normal glucose tolerance, thus indicating that cashew skin may be a promising source for natural antioxidants (Kamath et al. 2008).

The residual shell cake after the removal of the nut shell liquid is currently used as fuel in cashew processing factories, as well as in-shell liquid extraction plants (Nair 2010): its calorific value was found to be 17.8 MJ/kg, higher than sawdust and cow dung (Mohod et al. 2008). However, its utilization is limited due to its loose form, which releases acidic fumes during combustion. Therefore, a mixture of cashew shell cake with other waste materials was tested and was proven to be successful with sawdust, cow dung, and wheat flour in different proportions. It provided briquetted fuel with good energy density ratio, low water absorption properties, shatter, and durability indices, indicating good resistance to shock and so increasing the ease of handling and transportation (Mohod et al. 2008). Therefore, the utilization of cashew shell cake as fuel is a promising option for enhancing the energetic selfreliance of cashew processing plants due to its wide availability and low cost.

OZSTAR (http://www.ozstarmachinery.com) has the best nuts processing systems including roasters, fryers of different kinds and of various capacities to give you the perfectly roasted nuts! OZSTAR also provides additional equipment for flavouring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR (http://www.ozstarmachinery.com) has already various kinds of industrial fryers along flavouring and seasoning equipment for nuts controlled by touch screen.


24 Haziran 2020 Çarşamba

Nuts Roasting Machine | Ozstar Nut Roasting Machine-Peanut-Almond-Cashew Roasting Machine

The hot oil process, based on a single layer of nuts passed for a few minutes in cashew nut shell liquid at 187–194 °C, coupled with the pre-conditioning of the nuts, also provides an extraction yield up to 90 %. Other methods have been reported using different solvents in solid–liquid and spray-type processes at lower temperatures (Das et al. 2004) and, more recently, relying on supercritical carbon dioxide (Patel et al. 2006). 

OZSTAR (www.ozstarmachinery.com) has the best nuts processing systems including roasters, fryers of different kinds and of various capacities to give you the perfectly roasted nuts! OZSTAR also provides additional equipment for flavouring and seasoning the nuts.

OZSTAR (www.ozstarmakina.com) has already various kinds of industrial fryers along flavouring and seasoning equipment for nuts controlled by touch screen.As previously mentioned, the composition of the cashew nut shell liquid considerably varies depending on the extraction method used (Table 3), with three major components being present in different percentages: anacardic acid, cardanol, and cardol (Tyman 1977) (Fig. 4).

The so-called natural nut shell liquid, i.e., cold, solvent extracted nut shell liquid, contains up to 90 % of anacardic acid to which the medical properties of the material are attributed; it has 10–20 % of cardol that is responsible for the vesicant activity of the liquid and contains only a small percentage of cardanol, if any (5 %). In the technical nut shell liquid, i.e., the heat-extracted nut shell liquid, the heating process leads to the decarboxylation of the anacardic acid to form cardanol, which is of particular interest for its polymerizable side chain and phenolic group. 

The typical composition is then more than 50 % cardanol, 10 % cardol, and 30 % other polymeric materials that are then removed by distilling the extract. This further increases the cardanol content up to 78 % (Das et al. 2004; Lubi and Thachil 2000). Normally, cashew nut shell liquid is refined by chemical treatment with hydrocarbon sulfates and sulfuric acid before industrial use to reduce sulfide, nitrogenous compounds, and minerals, which also affects the quality of the nut shell liquid. 

The treatment is generally performed by aqueous solutions of acids that reduce the vesicant activity of the liquid, but also treatments with amines were reported to reduce the content of cardol (Lubi and Thachil 2000). OZSTAR (www.ozstarmachinery.com) has the best nuts processing systems including roasters, fryers of different kinds and of various capacities to give you the perfectly roasted nuts

OZSTAR also provides additional equipment for flavouring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR (www.ozstarmachinery.com) has already various kinds of industrial fryers along flavouring and seasoning equipment for nuts controlled by touch screen.