25 Haziran 2020 Perşembe

Nuts Roasting Machine | Ozstar Nut Roasting Machine-Peanut-Almond-Cashew Roasting Machine

This fact reveals the potential for developing the local processing industry to meet the internal demand for cashew derived products and for diversifying exports from this region. The current underdevelopment of cashew processing sector is partially attributable to the limited domestic consumption as, contrary to India and Vietnam, cashew is not a regular part of the diet in any country in Africa. Furthermore, the market for valuable cashew by-products such as cashew shell liquid is non-existent in Africa (Boillereau and Adam 2007). In addition, apart from few countries such as Nigeria, Benin, and Ivory Coast, in which production is mainly export-oriented and based on mechanized processing plants, the majority of firms in African countries are small to medium scale.

Their limited production capacities, which can be largely attributed to the low level of technology in use, prevent such countries from producing enough to meet both qualitative and quantitative standards for international trade (Boillereau and Adam 2007).  OZSTAR (www.ozstarmachinery.com) has the best nuts processing systems including roasters, fryers of different kinds and of various capacities to give you the perfectly roasted nuts! OZSTAR also provides additional equipment for flavouring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR (www.ozstarmachinery.com) has already various kinds of industrial fryers along flavouring and seasoning equipment for nuts controlled by touch screen.


Concerning cashew kernel prices on the international markets, the sector has shown a strong volatility over the last decade. This is due to the fact that market for cashew is not organized, meaning that there is no quotation for this product. Hence, available data correspond to real transactions whose significance, given the high rate of uncertainty, mainly lies in their trend more than in the data itself. Overall, the price of Fig. 5 a Cashew nut (with shell) world production over the time period 1992–2011 reporting the 2011 top five producers, namely, Vietnam, Nigeria, India, Ivory Coast, and Brazil, and the total world production. b Geographic distribution of cashew nut world production in 2011 (FAO 2013a) 766 B. Dendena, S. Corsi cashew kernels depends on several factors, among which the supply of raw nuts plays a major role, which has considerably fluctuated since 1999 (Horus Enterprises 2005). 

Focusing on recent years, the increase of cashew kernel price in 2007 and 2008 was due to poor crops both in Brazil and Vietnam, worsened by defaults of contracts and delays in shipment. Such an increase was then followed by a fall due to the reduced number of orders placed by importers, as influenced by the global economic crisis. However, since the second half of 2009, prices have been dramatically pushed up by an increase of labor cost in India, as well as by the strong competition between India and Vietnam to obtain raw nuts from Africa.

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